Snow Day

Does shoveling snow counts as exercise?

My answer is yes.

But I also count chasing my kids as exercise. That's the only exercise I get with this brood. I've thought about joining a gym. I really have my choice. There are at least 4 with in 5 minutes of my house. I'd love to take a kickboxing class or pilates or maybe yoga. The gyms have childcare. I could have an hour or so to myself. Then I remember, little boy. He won't go in.

I can't even get him to go into Scrunchy's Playhouse at Shoprite. His sister loves it, but I can't get him to go in. He went in twice. The first time I had to go get him half way through my shopping. The second time he had a ton of fun and stayed the whole time. Now shopping would be so much easier for me if he'd go play. Instead I have him climbing in and out of the shopping cart and running down the aisles. Oh well

This doesn't even take into consideration actually getting there. Getting three kids dressed, ready to go and in the car. That's a feat in itself. I'm a big proponent of car-seats and proper use and all that jazz. I'm sure I'll have a post about it one day. But man, sometimes I wish it was 20 or so years ago and I could just throw them in the back. It would be so much quicker.

So I've resorted to exercise dvds. I have a couple of yoga ones. I'll have to dust them off. The last time I tried them the kids climbed all over me. Anyone have a suggestion? Is there a dvd out there that my kids would do with me? Erin at exhale. return to center recently posted about Nia. It looks right up my ally. I'm going to get the dvd and give it a try.

But today I'm going to rest and hope it's done snowing for a few days.